All readers have them - the dreaded reading slump.
During a slump, no book beginning catches your interest. No suggestions from friends pan out. The stacks of books beside the chair (All of them you just had to have!) do not contain a single volume with a back cover or jacket flap that reveals a plot line or character you think you could give a flying leap about. So what if you have 269 books downloaded onto your Kindle? They all seem to be BORING.
This has happened before. During these times I sit around, after the kitchen is cleaned from dinner, gazing at a TV I don’t really see. I wonder into the study. I stare at the books. There must be 1000 – more counting the e-books. None call to me. I go to my old favorites. On occasion, I find I can enjoy the familiar lines; I can care about my loved characters. I sit and begin to read. Slump over! Other times it takes a dry spell of several days – a week – two weeks- before something about a certain title or discription of a scene will catch me and I’m off and reading for months!
All readers have them - the dreaded reading slump.
During a slump, no book beginning catches your interest. No suggestions from friends pan out. The stacks of books beside the chair (All of them you just had to have!) do not contain a single volume with a back cover or jacket flap that reveals a plot line or character you think you could give a flying leap about. So what if you have 269 books downloaded onto your Kindle? They all seem to be BORING.
This has happened before. During these times I sit around, after the kitchen is cleaned from dinner, gazing at a TV I don’t really see. I wonder into the study. I stare at the books. There must be 1000 – more counting the e-books. None call to me. I go to my old favorites. On occasion, I find I can enjoy the familiar lines; I can care about my loved characters. I sit and begin to read. Slump over! Other times it takes a dry spell of several days – a week – two weeks- before something about a certain title or discription of a scene will catch me and I’m off and reading for months!
What ever will work, I need it now. Life is weird. Nothing is right. I feel as if I have a missing limb, or my best friend has moved away.
All readers have them - the dreaded reading slump.
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