Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Before I go to Sleep by S. J. Watson

     Every morning Christine wakes with no memory.  Oh, she remembers some vague things, like expecting herself  to be a very young women when she wakes, only to find she is middle aged. Not much more. She does not remember the day before, nor the year before, her husband, her surroundings. Each night, as she goes to sleep, she knows that the few memories from that day will be gone when she wakes.

     So, who do you trust when you have no way of knowing who is telling you the truth? At the suggestion of a man who says he is her doctor and is trying to help her, Christine begins to write in a diary which she reads each morning.  But the facts from the people she has contact with do not seem to match the glimpses of the past that begin to flash into her blank slate of a memory. Why is she afraid? What really happened to her?

     The suspense is well done - chilling at times. I could not put this book down until I reached the very surprising end.


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